Friday, November 6, 2009

Self Sabotaging Behavior: Do you shoot yourself in the foot?

Fear of success is not always recognizable to the person who is afraid. Often times, however, it is quite noticeable to the observer - who may be a friend, family member, mentor, or instructor - to name a few examples.

No one is immune to fear of success. It impacts all ages, races, nationalities, classes, and genders. Like a parasite, it sneaks into its host and cripples him/her.

Often, fear of success stems from success equating to change. Change is scary to many folks. We ask ourselves: Am I good enough? Am I smart enough? Do I have what it takes? Will I keep my same friends? What will my family think? Will I be able to sustain my success?

Recognizing fear of success is the first step to conquering it. What are you doing to recognize your fears and conquer them? What are you doing to help others?

Go to this link for the source of my content and for MUCH more information:


  1. i think that this article is spot on. Live your life for you not anybody else cause when its all said and done your the one that has to sleep with that decision

  2. go with what your gut feels. don't let fear stop you from being successful.

  3. I can relate to this blog post because I often to have a fear of sucess which can probably maybe not so much the fear of sucess but the fear in suceding in somthing new . I find that often people use the excuse Im afraid of sucess but its more of a fear of change.

  4. There is nothing to be afraid of because in the end successfulness is a wonderful feeling, so block out fears and look forward to that wonderful feeling.

  5. personally, i'm not afraid of success. i'm more of an advice-giver. i usually know what to tell people, because i analyze things pretty well.

  6. i am very scared of trying to become successful becuase my life is so kaotic right now i feel it hard to dedicate to something

  7. i think that you shouldnt let your fear get in the way of your success you should go after what you desire and keep your head held high.

  8. This makes a lot of since because I think that everyone sometimes thinks about what a friend or what the family will think

  9. I think this is very ture. I know I have a problem with fear or success. I would like to know more about how to prevent the fear.

  10. If you fear success then you need to get help. How can you fear something good. "Oh no I'm scared of money!" Come on now, and if you are scared of change you need to grow up. Change is all around you, and it will be there for the rest of your life. Please if you are scared of success please see a therapist immediately!

  11. I think this article is on point. I can relate because I often let my fears get in the way of my success.

  12. I recognizing my fear but haven't conquered it yet. I recongnizing it by knowing I am so afraid of going into next semester. I don't know why.... The way I am going to conquered it is just let time do it...
